For Monday, August 20 through Sunday, August 26, 2007
Your emotions are running strong early this week, and there may be a
lot more going on than you realize at first. Take a few days to do
things your way (it'll be fun for sure) before turning to your date,
crush or sweetheart to see how they want to do things. You're totally
driven on Friday and Saturday, so much so that you may frighten the
wrong person -- but they'll come around to your viewpoint before long.
Everything comes together on Sunday, and you can just kick back and
enjoy the progress you've made.
Your feelings reach a new depth on Monday that might feel fantastic
(or torturous, depending on the situation). The good news, if you need
it, is that things are due for improvement soon. The middle of the
week is all about money, which may or may not have an effect on your
love life. Make sure you take your finances seriously either way. As
the weekend begins, you feel a new connection with your body and your
life that should make romance come much more easily. Watch out for
weird struggles between you and your date or sweetie on Sunday,
Take care of your mental and emotional health on Monday, because
otherwise you might let it slide and need to play catch-up later in
the week. Nobody needs that! You're focused on one person for most of
the middle of the week, and odds are that they're all about you, too.
If you're not dating yet, now is the time to ask. The worst that can
happen is a delay. You may find that Friday and Saturday bring
unexpected challenges that make you wish life were easier -- but if
you step up, things should smooth over soon.
Big stuff is happening as the week begins, and while you may not be
able to control it, you can at least tell that it's mostly taking you
in a positive direction. The middle of the week is all about service
and volunteering, and you may find it rewarding to spend time on a
community project with a sweetie -- or find one while you're giving
back! The weekend brings out your shy side, though that might be just
what the right person is looking for. Try to make sure you're open to
overtures, and you ought to be in the right place really soon.
Something you haven't quite caught onto yet is having a profound
impact on your love life. Look more deeply Monday, and you'll be sure
to spot it at last. Midweek is the perfect time for romance, whether
it's brand-new or years in the making. You've got the right energy,
and should be able to get Sweetie's motor purring without any serious
obstacles. The weekend brings out your swaggering side, so make sure
you aren't showing off too much for the person you want to impress, or
you may end up needing to backpedal.
Look at your romantic situation more deeply on Monday, and you're sure
to find complexities that you hadn't noticed before. It could very
well be that you need to adapt, and now is the time. Try not to get
too restless midweek; temper your impulse to rush ahead with an
awareness that the time must be exactly right before you can do so.
The weekend is the best time to make any romantic move, as you've got
good energy. Bonus: The universe is receptive to your actions now.
Whatever's going on at the start of the week, commit to it
wholeheartedly. Your willingness to go all the way with it makes it
sure to succeed. You're able to express yourself quite clearly midweek
-- more so even than usual -- and ought to find it simple to tell the
object of your affection exactly how you're feeling. Don't be too
surprised if your past catches up with you a wee bit early this
weekend, but don't let it drag you too far down. Sunday is sure to be
a blast, as long as you're with your sweetie or a date.
Your magnetism is legendary, but on Monday it's totally out of
control! If you're seeing someone, they may get jealous from all the
attention you get from cute strangers. Your impulsive side pops out
midweek and makes life a lot more interesting. You may make a move on
someone you didn't even know you liked, or surprise your partner with
something extravagant. As the weekend rolls in, you become a bit more
stubborn and determined to get your way, no matter what. This may
cause some domestic disputes on Sunday, but you handle them well.
Monday sees you kind of pokey and distracted, though it's nothing to
worry about. Your mood picks up in a big way midweek, and you may find
your friends going out of their way to upgrade your love life (even if
it seems maxed out already!). From dropped hints to brazen set-ups,
they find new ways to brighten your life. The weekend is all about
communication, and you're totally engaged with one person who really
seems to get you. Don't hold back -- your original thinking is your
biggest asset at the moment.
You may feel a bit reserved on Monday, and while you're not
disengaged, it could be a concern for your date or partner if you come
across as distant. It may be a good time to spend alone, as the rest
of the week is much more energetic for you. Most of the middle of the
week is snappy and surprisingly speedy -- you may come a lot farther
than you had thought you would. The weekend is almost perfect for you,
and you find that all your plans work out perfectly, even those that
count on notoriously flaky people.
You're moving through Monday as if at half-speed, but that's okay --
sometimes you need to conserve your energy and just let the rest of
the world catch up to you. Something big happens midweek that expands
your romantic world in a big way. It could be that you meet someone
new, but it could just as easily be your long-term partner making a
bold suggestion. You may feel the need to balance this freedom with
new limits this weekend, but that phase won't last long, and Sunday's
positive energy could be legendary.
Though you feel great on Monday, at the same time you don't want to be
bothered with any decisions. Let your date or sweetie make the call,
whatever it is. You're all fired up midweek with a sense of what you
deserve, even if you have no idea how to get there. It's the first
step, though, and might lead to some very interesting romantic
situations. Someone surprising lends a hand to your latest love
adventure this weekend, making something considerably easier than you
had thought it would be. On Sunday, your altruistic instincts pay off
in a big way.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Love Horoscope
Love Horoscope
For Monday, August 13 through Sunday, August 19, 2007
Weird business is going down during the first half of the week. It may
seem as if someone is trying to actively interfere with your love
life, though if you look more deeply into the situation, you may find
that there's a lot more going on than simple agitation. During
Thursday and Friday, you find that someone else -- maybe your sweetie
or crush, but maybe not -- takes up more of your time than you want.
If you push ahead with them, things can resolve in the best possible
way. There is big romantic business going on behind the scenes this
weekend, so let it work its magic.
You're having too much fun to worry about the future this week, and
each moment feels just right -- especially when you're with the right
person! If you're looking, now is the time to redouble your efforts,
as you couldn't be hotter. Mix things up a little later on in the
week, maybe by trying a new club or restaurant or just saying hello to
someone who isn't really your type. Whatever happens, expect the
weekend to be intense. If you're involved with someone, expect greater
depth. If not, it could be time for a new crush!
Communication, usually your strong suit, fails you somewhat this week
-- but mostly with people you know well. If you're dating, you might
not even notice the change, but if you're serious with someone, expect
a bit of confusion until you can get it all settled. By Thursday, your
good energy should be back in full force, and you ought to be able to
have a good time doing almost anything. You may find a surprise
connection with the right person. Help someone close with an issue
that's bugging them this weekend, and the reward will surprise you.
The first few days of the week lend themselves well to communication
of all types, from asking out new people to hashing out bathroom
rights with long-term partners. You know what you want and how to ask
for it -- and you also know how and when to compromise. Your home is
especially important to you on Thursday and Friday, and this could
make you a bit defensive if the wrong issue pops up at the wrong time.
You've got plenty of good energy this weekend, though you're probably
not sure what to do with it!
Don't let money woes interfere with your love life this week -- though
couples may argue over it, there's no good reason for finances to push
aside romance indefinitely. If you're dating, try long walks or
museums, since you can get to know people even better that way.
Thursday and Friday are perfect for dates or just hanging out
together, as you find yourselves getting along better than ever
before. It could be a sign that it's time to take things further. The
weekend is a good time for reflection on what you've been through and
what you want to do with your love life.eo>
The first half of the week is almost perfect, at least as far as
you're concerned. Your energy is great, you may hit a new high in your
life and if you're lucky, you're hitting it off with the right person.
If you're looking for love, now is the time to get it! By Thursday,
you may want to rein in the action a bit, as you're prone to impulsive
behavior that you may regret later. The weekend is a great time to
think hard about your life and what you really want -- with a partner
or on your own.
Your sensitive side is making the most of the week, and you should
find that the first few days are easy as pie, no matter what's on your
plate. If you're courting, now is the perfect time to give thoughtful
gifts or offer up just the right words at just the right time. Your
flirty side comes out in force on Thursday and Friday, though it
shouldn't give rise to jealousy, as everyone can tell you're just
having a good time with your positive energy. You may need to turn
your attention to work or school this weekend, thanks to an unexpected
turn of events.
A secret that means a lot to you makes the first few days of the week
a little extra special for you and one other person. It could be that
you need to share it to gain the maximum benefit, though! You find
decision-making a bit more difficult than usual Thursday and Friday,
but it's not like you'll be expected to make any big, dramatic calls
any time soon. Your intense energy makes the weekend a blast for you
and anyone you happen to be attracted to at the moment. It could be a
good time to take things to a new level.
A boss or teacher, or maybe even a parent, is going to get between you
and your love life this week, but there's no use fighting it quite
yet. Sometimes you just have to accept setbacks as part of the
give-and-take of love. While your feelings simmer, it might be a good
time to prepare yourself for a date or encounter you're looking
forward to -- this is one of those situations when thinking ahead
really will help! By the weekend, your emotional energy starts to
flood back, and your dreams almost certainly bring clues about what to
do next.
The first half of the week is better spent on planning than on acting,
though of course you need to keep things going a bit from time to
time. When you're ready, spring your fully formed scheme on your
unsuspecting sweetie and see what happens! On Thursday and Friday,
you're spending a lot more time than usual thinking about your
romantic future, and you may want to discuss it with the right person.
Your friends are key to your love life this weekend, and may have good
advice or even a blind date in store for you.
You may tend to be pretty reserved anyway, but try extra hard early
this week to play your cards close to your chest. There's no need to
go crazy with secrecy, but it's a good idea to be more careful than
usual with your romantic feelings. Things pick up in a big way on
Thursday, and you may find that waiting a few days was the perfect
solution for what could have been a big problem. That good energy
carries you through the weekend, though it may be that you start to
notice deeper feelings starting to well up at some point.
You're all about your relationships early this week, and that includes
more than just romance. Of course, you may want to pay a little extra
attention to your date or sweetie, because you should get the clue
you've been waiting for regarding what to do next. If you've been
seeing someone for a while, small problems might pop up on Thursday or
Friday that seem considerably worse than they really are. Ride them
out and let yourself enjoy the burst of good energy that comes with
the weekend. Let the other person make all the big decisions for now.
Love Horoscope
For Monday, August 6 through Sunday, August 12, 2007
Try not to let money issues cloud your romantic judgment on Monday.
You may need to slow down and work things through before moving on to
the fun stuff. The situation lightens up considerably midweek, and you
ought to find it much easier to say what's on your mind. Get it all
out while you can, though, because by Thursday your feelings turn
inward somewhat and you may find honest communication much more
troublesome than usual. Good energy floods your senses this weekend,
and might create a sense of urgency to take things to the next level.
Financial issues finally work to your advantage on Monday, so ride the
wave of good feelings and see if you can get the right person to share
your POV. You might feel a bit out of it in the middle of the week,
thanks to a manic energy that doesn't quite suit you. It passes
quickly. Thursday and Friday are perfect for telling the object of
your affection just how you feel, no matter how anxious you may be
over their response. Things should settle down a fair amount on the
weekend, which is just right for working on small differences.
Though you may not start the week in the best of moods, you do at
least understand a little more about your sweetie or crush. You ought
to be able to put that information into action midweek, though your
energy is so good that you may instead want to just kick back and let
the good times speak for themselves. Your bank account may get in the
way of serious romance on Thursday and Friday, unless you're able to
get your heart fluttering on the cheap. By the weekend, things ought
to feel much better, and it could be that you find a new intellectual
Monday is the perfect time to sit back and let the romance flow toward
you, rather than the other way around. If it's not forthcoming, you're
not dealing with the right person. You may be quite busy in the middle
part of the week, so try to ensure that you make time for a little
romance in the midst of it all. Thursday and Friday are all about you,
and it's a good bet that someone finally notices you in the right way
and lets you know what's going on. Go a little crazy this weekend --
you deserve it!
Something small brushes up against your ego early this week, and you
should do whatever it takes to ignore it. There's no need to get crazy
over trivia. Your friends are key to your love life midweek -- they
may set you up, or help you and your sweetie overcome some small
obstacle. Your ability to measure your emotional response comes in
handy on Thursday and Friday, as you avoid the temptation to rise to a
seeming challenge. The weekend's energy is nearly perfect for you, and
you find it easy to get along with almost anyone.
Monday is just about perfect for getting along with your date or
sweetie -- you can relate to just about anyone on any level, so flaunt
it! Your mind is as sharp as ever midweek, and you ought to be able to
match wits as if you had a Hollywood screenwriter backing you up. Your
flair for organization comes in handy on Thursday and Friday, as you
find new ways to squeeze extra time out of your day (time that can be
used for all kinds of hanky-panky!). Your flexibility is the key to
getting what you want this weekend, as other people are too caught up
in their own schemes to help.
Dates are nearly perfect on Monday, because your good energy is
perfect for harmonizing with the right person. You might convince them
to take things another step. Your brainpower really kicks in midweek,
and it's easy for you to entertain and surprise your sweetie or date
with spontaneous banter. Try not to get too bent out of shape when
your routines fall apart on Thursday and Friday -- it's all part of
the plan, and things should settle down pretty soon. Check in with
your best friend this weekend.
Monday might seem like absolute chaos -- but you know how to thrive on
havoc, so go nuts and see what you can accomplish romantically. Pull
back a bit in the middle of the week; you'll find that a little tweak
here and there can put you in exactly the right position. Thursday and
Friday are perfect for getting your way, even if you've been stymied
over and over. Your energy is unstoppable. Watch out for a challenge
this weekend. It's vital that you face it directly, even if it seems
Let others set the pace of the day early this week, as you're better
off reacting than trying to lead the way. Your thoughtful side comes
out in a big way midweek, and while you might not solve all the
world's problems, you should at least make a favorable impression on
the right mind. Dates on Thursday or Friday might feel a little
strange, even if you've been seeing each other for a long time. Don't
make a big deal out of it -- sometimes energies are just mismatched
for no good reason. The weekend is much better, and brings good fun as
well as potential gains for you.
Your positive energy and outlook on Monday make it simple for you to
brush past any obstacles -- you can see that they're pretty much
meaningless in the long run. The middle of the week is perfect for
communication with your sweetie or crush, though you may have to cut
to the chase if they seem distracted. On Thursday and Friday, you have
your work cut out for you and can tell what needs to happen for you to
make any romantic progress. The weekend might bring a weird bit of
business, but you handle it with finesse.
A call or message from a family member brings a new perspective on
your love life early this week, but that doesn't mean you're going to
change things overnight! The middle of the week is almost certain to
see things heat up between you and the right person, but you need to
put some of that positive energy to use to make it so. Try not to let
that big brain of yours get in the way, especially Thursday or Friday.
It has its place, but it needs to take a back seat now. The weekend is
a good time to seek out common ground and find room for compromise on
some big issue.
Monday's the best time to speak up -- even if you're not totally sure
what you want to say! It could be that the words form in your throat
and surprise even you. The situation might get a bit overwhelming
midweek, but don't let that drag you down. You've got reserves of good
energy flooding in, and by Thursday you should be in the perfect place
to take on any romantic situation, no matter how big. You may need to
focus on yourself a bit this weekend, because your health is vital to
any relationship.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Love Horoscope
For Monday, July 30 through Sunday, August 5, 2007
Even if you just met the person you're seeing -- or even if you're not
seeing anyone at the moment -- you're focused on the future early this
week. Talk it over with the right person, or just daydream about what
you want to see happen. Wednesday and Thursday are best for sticking
with what you know, so try not to indulge in speed dating or push
forward with a preexisting relationship. For now, the status quo is
what you want. The weekend is different. It doesn't just permit
far-ranging exploration; it practically demands it!
You and that special someone are weirdly antagonistic early in the
week, but don't panic just yet -- it's a perfectly natural
manifestation of the high-powered intellectual energy flying through
the air. Wednesday and Thursday are perfect for large group
interactions like parties. You're sure to meet someone cool or just
show off your sweetie to the right people, and either way should feel
great. The weekend is not a good time to settle on long-term
decisions, so try to keep the process open if possible.
Shared interests are more likely than chemistry or wicked dance moves
to spark romance early this week, so make sure you're talking at least
as much as you're playing. Intellectual connections are surely the way
to go. Things ought to get really interesting -- and then suddenly
require an interruption -- Wednesday and Thursday. Work or school
concerns come out of nowhere at that time. You return to business as
usual this weekend, though an unexpected meeting with an acquaintance
could shake up your romantic life for the better.
Try not to worry too much about whether or not you're going broke
early this week -- the situation will resolve itself before you know
it, and that kind of stress can only be detrimental to your love life!
Soon enough (Wednesday at the latest), your intuitive powers kick in
and you find that you can read people with great ease. If there's
someone who's confusing you, now is the time to figure out the
situation. The weekend might bring fine memories of old relationships,
but try not to dwell on the past too much.
See if you can find a way to deal with the object of your affections
without talking yourself up. Ego is less attractive early this week,
and your modest side may be a better draw for your potential love
interest. Your emotional nature is all fired up on Wednesday and
Thursday, and you might go on a rampage without realizing what set you
off. Chill out, and try to hang out with the people that know you
best. This weekend is perfect for learning about your crush or partner
-- you'll love what comes your way.
Try something new and different on Monday. Early in the week, you may
find that it's easier for you to keep track of your love life, no
matter how complicated it may seem at times. Take the opposite tack
midweek, though, because the tried and true are all you long for at
that time. It could be that you ring up an old flame or just sit out
the dating scene for a little while, but you come back with a
vengeance this weekend. Your energy is all fired up, and the object of
your affections won't have a chance against your allure.
Start the week with some big, crazy romantic gesture that can't be
denied. Flowers? Flying to Paris? You have a great opportunity to make
something happen, and the right person is just waiting for the moment.
You're attracted to the little things on Wednesday and Thursday --
details that might seem to avoid the radar take on added importance
thanks to your attention. Someone close might have some good advice
this weekend, and it's also a great time to strengthen relationships
and take intimidating (even scary!) steps.
Plans might change at any moment early this week, but you can handle
it with eases. Be ready to show off your flexibility. You might want
to offer something up on your own if an attractive option appears.
Your creative energy makes Wednesday and Thursday amazingly cool, and
you might be able to woo the right person by telling them what they
want or need to hear. Let them have it (in a nice way). This weekend
is the best time to start anything, from a romantic road trip to a
brand new relationship. Get going!
Make sure you think things through early this week, especially if
someone is trying to change plans or convince you to try something
new. Your best bet is to go along with it, though you never know.
Ponder your choices slowly and carefully. By Wednesday, you're ready
for long talks and walks down memory lane, possibly including sharing
relationship histories and old, embarrassing stories. New information
comes your way this weekend that convinces you of one thing: You're
certainly on the right track. And you are.
Don't let money woes get in the way of your love life early this week
-- there's so much you can do without spending a dime. You might even
start to prefer romance on the cheap! Listen to your instincts on
Wednesday and Thursday, as they should have the real skinny on anyone
who's making your heart thump. They may also tell you how to get out
of any jams you may find yourself in! The weekend is a good time to
consider how your family's relationships influenced the way you
approach romance today.
See if you can use all of your good energy to make positive changes
early this week. If you're single, it's a great time to meet someone
new and different; if you're long partnered, it may be time to
renegotiate the ground rules (for the better). On Wednesday and
Thursday, you find that your spiritual or religious beliefs are more
in line with the right person's than you would have expected.
Terrific! Try to open up to the world as a whole this weekend -- you
may find that altruism is an aphrodisiac!
Change isn't a bad thing -- you know that better than almost anyone.
So why do you fight it? On Monday or Tuesday, your instinct is to
resist change, but if you find the strength to embrace it, your
situation could end up being much better. Use the positive energy that
floods your core midweek to reach out to someone, from a crush to an
old flame. You'll be glad you made the effort! The weekend brings a
bizarre conundrum that might take you quite a while to unravel, but
don't put it off for much longer.
Love Horoscope
For Monday, July 23 through Sunday, July 29, 2007
You're going through big changes on Monday and Tuesday, and may need
to spend some time alone to sort things out. Once you've got it all
together, you should know exactly what you want. The middle of the
week is ideal for taking care of personal growth, even if it puts off
your partner or crush. You know yourself better than they do! Don't
let anyone boss you around this weekend -- you're the only authority
figure you should care about. If you're in the wrong place, you'll
know it. Listen to your heart -- it will guide you.
No matter what stage of relationship you're in -- or even if you're
still looking -- things are extremely intense on Monday and Tuesday.
It could be that you're falling hard, or maybe you're developing a new
crush. The middle of the week is a good time to reach out to that one
person and see if they're ready to take the same step you want to
take; agreements are easier to reach now. You can understand what's
really going on with that special someone this weekend, even if they
can't find the right words to express themselves.
Offer help to your sweetheart or that one cutie you want to get to
know better -- it's the quickest way to anyone's affections early in
the week! Once you've shown that you're reliable and capable, things
should progress quite smoothly. You may even end up getting much
closer to someone quickly. Wednesday and Thursday are perfect for
pairing up, so make sure you've got options to suggest for spending
time together. Your emotions might work against you somewhat this
weekend, so plan to deal with them before they wreak any serious
Though you're feeling quite good Monday and Tuesday, you're also quite
indecisive, and that could be irksome if your sweetie or date is
especially focused. Let them make the call if they're willing -- take
advantage of how their mood differs from yours right now. Volunteering
is appealing midweek, and it's a great way to bond with a partner or
meet someone new, if that's on your agenda. You may have to spend much
of the weekend on work-related issues, but you can probably squeeze in
a bit of romance if everyone can stay flexible.
Monday and Tuesday are perfect for reconsidering (or considering for
the first time) your real attitudes toward romance. You can see things
more clearly, and you don't feel nearly as biased by what has come
before. Your energy is fantastic in the middle of the week, absolutely
perfect for romantic adventures, but you don't have any patience for
petty people. Your ego could get in the way of your love life this
weekend, but it'll be incredibly easy for you to tune it out or
eliminate its effects if you're aware of it.
Speak up early and often this week -- almost everything is supporting
you! You definitely have a way with words, and should be able to
perfectly express your feelings, even if others can't. Wednesday and
Thursday provide at least one opportunity for you to take a risk with
someone you want to know better or more intimately, and you definitely
should take it. Make a date for this weekend, no matter what. Your
romantic energy is amplified, and if you're not using it, you should
at least get out there and meet someone new!
Your work or school experience could have a major impact on your love
life early this week, and it should be easy for you make it work out
just right for you. Think about it before acting, though. Make sure
you spend a little extra energy telling the right person exactly what
they want (or need) to hear -- Wednesday and Thursday are especially
good for speaking from the heart. Your romantic history catches up
with you in some way this weekend, and you should take as long as you
need to figure it all out.
Your energy is so focused early this week that you might almost
intimidate the object of your affections. If they're really the one,
though, they should come around anyway (like a moth to a flame). The
tables are turned on Wednesday, and you find yourself fascinated right
back -- so much so that you might follow along with their plans
against your better judgment. That's not such a bad thing, and this
weekend is the best time to start off on new adventures together
anyway! Just make sure you keep your sense of self intact.
Listen to your dreams on Monday and Tuesday -- they're rich and full
of good, if sometimes rather obscure, advice. If you dream about
someone in particular, focus more energy in that direction. You're
feeling great midweek, and ought to find that your positive emotions
affect those around you for the better. However, you may be too
surrounded by friends to really get down and deep with someone
one-on-one. That's fine, because by the weekend, you're ready to kick
back and explore your feelings with the right person.
Your friends are amazingly helpful early in the week -- they can tell
just what to do to best improve your romantic situation. Give in and
let them do what they think is best. Right now you need their
assistance. A relationship might get a lot closer on Wednesday or
Thursday, before you even realize that's what's happening. Try to make
sure you're in the right place at the right time, and expect the best.
Your positive energy makes the weekend a blast, and also a total
success if you've got a scheme in mind. Start scheming.
Your work or school may get in the way of your love life, at least a
little, on Monday or Tuesday. Your emotions are pretty highly
charged-up anyway, however, so you might as well take some time to
calm down and cool off. By Wednesday, you're in exactly the right
place to really connect with the object of your affections, so make
some time to chill out together and see what happens. The weekend is
best for hanging out at home or in other low-key surroundings --
big-time dates are best deferred for a while!
You're full of good energy on Monday and Tuesday, but you're far too
likely to let a sweetheart or date call the shots when you'd rather
take control. Assert yourself when you get the chance! In the middle
of the week, you may get a little too chatty and reveal more than you
intended, though this could end up being incredibly beneficial. Maybe
it's time to let out feelings you've been keeping inside? It may feel
as if you have a guardian angel this weekend, especially when your
heart leaps at an especially auspicious moment.
Love Horoscope
For Monday, July 16 through Sunday, July 22, 2007
Your impulsive, almost frenetic energy makes Monday and Tuesday lots
of fun for you and your sweetheart or date. Find something new and
different to do. If you're out looking for love, it should be almost
too easy! You might feel somewhat more critical than usual in the
middle of the week, but try not to let that keep you from sweet
interactions with the right person. You're much more focused on that
other person this weekend, and their needs almost certainly come
first. It's all give and take in the long run.
Things aren't easy on Monday or Tuesday, though it's just a passing
phase that doesn't mean much. Don't let it get you down -- it could be
that you and your date or partner get into a weird argument that seems
to pop up from nowhere. By midweek, your good energy is flowing just
as it should be, and it's much easier for you to find the best way to
say what you need to say. Things should stay great through the
weekend, though you should make sure you take a little break to keep
from tiring yourself out!
Early this week, shared intellectual pursuits are much more intriguing
to you than physical chemistry or appearance (not that they suddenly
disappear from your radar!). You should stretch out a bit and see
about meeting someone on new ground. Don't be surprised or alarmed if
communication issues interfere with your love life on Wednesday or
Thursday, because there's just a bit too much static in the air.
Things pick up in a big way this weekend, and you have so much fun
that any old issues are left far behind.
You should strut your stuff early this week, even if you're securely
nestled in a long-term relationship. Sometimes you just need to bust
out and show the world how awesome you are. (It may really help your
love life.) Much of the week brings energy made for good
communication, and you should take the opportunity to speak from the
heart and tell the right person how you feel. Be honest. Others might
not reveal how they're feeling deep down this weekend; you should make
an effort to draw them out.
No matter how life has been lately, you should start the week with a
smile. You recently hit some big milestone in your life that should
make your romantic pursuits much more appealing and easy to engage in.
Take advantage of this! Money issues might interfere with your love
instincts on Wednesday or Thursday, but the good news is that the
troubles won't last long. Over the weekend, you go through a surge of
emotional energy that makes dates and other one-on-one experiences
incredibly rewarding. Enjoy it.
If you've got a romantic rival, you might feel a bit down and out on
Monday or Tuesday. But don't let it bring you down, and definitely
don't give up. Things should get better and better. (And besides,
despair is unbecoming.) Midweek is looking great, and whether you've
got a crush on someone or you've been together for decades (or both),
you know you're in exactly the right place. Little setbacks shouldn't
concern you this weekend, as you know that you're definitely heading
in the right direction.
Your friends make your love life a lot easier on Monday and Tuesday.
Whether they're setting you up with the right person or just offering
a few words of support when you need them, they help things get and
stay great. Try to slow down quite a bit midweek, as too much activity
could wear you out quickly. Put off dates or meet-ups until this
weekend, when your flirty energy returns in abundance, and anything
you do is enjoyable. Things pick up in a big way and you realize what
you really want -- right now and possibly in the future.
Something seems to be more difficult than it should be early this
week, but you can handle it with your usual calm energy. Approach it
easily with a slow hand, and you'll figure it out. In fact, your
solution might impress the right person in exactly the right way! A
bit of information that only you know about becomes pretty important
on Wednesday or Thursday, possibly leading to a confession of some
sort. It should make for an incredibly sweet and carefree weekend, as
you find that barriers to communication fall down right away.
You're feeling great early this week. You might also be obsessed with
thoughts of travel. It's a great time to plan a trip with a sweetie or
think about the type of person you might meet if you went solo. On
Wednesday or Thursday, you find yourself irritated with your date or
partner when they become inflexible or authoritarian. That doesn't
last for long, though -- the weekend brings a wave of good energy that
shows folks just how others want to be treated. You'll benefit from
this, and learn from it, too.
Someone may be trying to move in on a situation you don't really feel
like sharing on Monday or Tuesday, so make sure you're as clear as you
can be -- tell them you're making the rules this time. Things work out
more in your favor midweek, and your good energy makes planning a
snap. See if you can arrange a few dates or something more intimate.
You might even finalize some long-term plans or ideas. This weekend is
good for taking in art or music together, so find a common passion and
explore it together.
You're in the mood to do your own thing on Monday and Tuesday; you
don't want to deal with clinginess or serious discussions. Try to make
it clear that you're not drifting away. (And you aren't, are you?) The
middle of the week is a good time to check back in with your sweetie,
date or crush and see if you're addressing the needs they want to be
addressed. Also see if they're addressing your own needs. You may be
surprised. The weekend fills you with good, brainy energy and you
ought to be able to share ideas with the right person.
Your love life may interfere with your professional or academic life
early this week, but you know what's most important. Let the boss fret
for now -- you can make it up later. The higher-ups should understand.
Wednesday and Thursday are perfect for developing relationships, so
see if you can find time with the right person to determine what steps
you want to take next. Don't be afraid to call in favors this weekend,
as they might make the difference between a good time, a great time
and a slow or boring time.
Your impulsive, almost frenetic energy makes Monday and Tuesday lots
of fun for you and your sweetheart or date. Find something new and
different to do. If you're out looking for love, it should be almost
too easy! You might feel somewhat more critical than usual in the
middle of the week, but try not to let that keep you from sweet
interactions with the right person. You're much more focused on that
other person this weekend, and their needs almost certainly come
first. It's all give and take in the long run.
Things aren't easy on Monday or Tuesday, though it's just a passing
phase that doesn't mean much. Don't let it get you down -- it could be
that you and your date or partner get into a weird argument that seems
to pop up from nowhere. By midweek, your good energy is flowing just
as it should be, and it's much easier for you to find the best way to
say what you need to say. Things should stay great through the
weekend, though you should make sure you take a little break to keep
from tiring yourself out!
Early this week, shared intellectual pursuits are much more intriguing
to you than physical chemistry or appearance (not that they suddenly
disappear from your radar!). You should stretch out a bit and see
about meeting someone on new ground. Don't be surprised or alarmed if
communication issues interfere with your love life on Wednesday or
Thursday, because there's just a bit too much static in the air.
Things pick up in a big way this weekend, and you have so much fun
that any old issues are left far behind.
You should strut your stuff early this week, even if you're securely
nestled in a long-term relationship. Sometimes you just need to bust
out and show the world how awesome you are. (It may really help your
love life.) Much of the week brings energy made for good
communication, and you should take the opportunity to speak from the
heart and tell the right person how you feel. Be honest. Others might
not reveal how they're feeling deep down this weekend; you should make
an effort to draw them out.
No matter how life has been lately, you should start the week with a
smile. You recently hit some big milestone in your life that should
make your romantic pursuits much more appealing and easy to engage in.
Take advantage of this! Money issues might interfere with your love
instincts on Wednesday or Thursday, but the good news is that the
troubles won't last long. Over the weekend, you go through a surge of
emotional energy that makes dates and other one-on-one experiences
incredibly rewarding. Enjoy it.
If you've got a romantic rival, you might feel a bit down and out on
Monday or Tuesday. But don't let it bring you down, and definitely
don't give up. Things should get better and better. (And besides,
despair is unbecoming.) Midweek is looking great, and whether you've
got a crush on someone or you've been together for decades (or both),
you know you're in exactly the right place. Little setbacks shouldn't
concern you this weekend, as you know that you're definitely heading
in the right direction.
Your friends make your love life a lot easier on Monday and Tuesday.
Whether they're setting you up with the right person or just offering
a few words of support when you need them, they help things get and
stay great. Try to slow down quite a bit midweek, as too much activity
could wear you out quickly. Put off dates or meet-ups until this
weekend, when your flirty energy returns in abundance, and anything
you do is enjoyable. Things pick up in a big way and you realize what
you really want -- right now and possibly in the future.
Something seems to be more difficult than it should be early this
week, but you can handle it with your usual calm energy. Approach it
easily with a slow hand, and you'll figure it out. In fact, your
solution might impress the right person in exactly the right way! A
bit of information that only you know about becomes pretty important
on Wednesday or Thursday, possibly leading to a confession of some
sort. It should make for an incredibly sweet and carefree weekend, as
you find that barriers to communication fall down right away.
You're feeling great early this week. You might also be obsessed with
thoughts of travel. It's a great time to plan a trip with a sweetie or
think about the type of person you might meet if you went solo. On
Wednesday or Thursday, you find yourself irritated with your date or
partner when they become inflexible or authoritarian. That doesn't
last for long, though -- the weekend brings a wave of good energy that
shows folks just how others want to be treated. You'll benefit from
this, and learn from it, too.
Someone may be trying to move in on a situation you don't really feel
like sharing on Monday or Tuesday, so make sure you're as clear as you
can be -- tell them you're making the rules this time. Things work out
more in your favor midweek, and your good energy makes planning a
snap. See if you can arrange a few dates or something more intimate.
You might even finalize some long-term plans or ideas. This weekend is
good for taking in art or music together, so find a common passion and
explore it together.
You're in the mood to do your own thing on Monday and Tuesday; you
don't want to deal with clinginess or serious discussions. Try to make
it clear that you're not drifting away. (And you aren't, are you?) The
middle of the week is a good time to check back in with your sweetie,
date or crush and see if you're addressing the needs they want to be
addressed. Also see if they're addressing your own needs. You may be
surprised. The weekend fills you with good, brainy energy and you
ought to be able to share ideas with the right person.
Your love life may interfere with your professional or academic life
early this week, but you know what's most important. Let the boss fret
for now -- you can make it up later. The higher-ups should understand.
Wednesday and Thursday are perfect for developing relationships, so
see if you can find time with the right person to determine what steps
you want to take next. Don't be afraid to call in favors this weekend,
as they might make the difference between a good time, a great time
and a slow or boring time.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Love Horoscope
For Monday, July 9 through Sunday, July 15, 2007
A family member -- most likely someone from an older generation -- has
good some advice for you on Monday or Tuesday. You really ought to
follow up on it. This could come in an unexpected fashion, so be ready
for anything. Your romantic energy is totally primed in the middle of
the week, and things should really sizzle whether you're on a date or
flirting online. If a message comes through in a way you don't like
this weekend, try to get all the information you can before letting
your reactions fly.
Make sure you speak your mind early this week -- any delay could make
a big difference! You ought to be able to find just the right words to
express your heart's feelings, and you should get a really good
response, no matter what you request. Though unexpected tasks and
activities pop up all through Wednesday and Thursday, you still should
find time to hang out with the right person. The weekend is the
perfect romantic time for you, so make sure you've got at least one
date or session of quiet time scheduled.
The first part of the week is perfect for dates and long, serious
talks, because you're so easygoing that the person you're with is
likely to be somewhat disarmed. Try to keep that energy going through
the week, but don't be too surprised if conflict flares up on
Wednesday or Thursday. Different ideas can be harder for most people
to take, yet they're floating around all over the place. As the
weekend begins, you need to initiate anything you want to see happen,
as you're the one with the energy to make things happen.
On Monday and Tuesday, you're feeling great and can't help but smile
at pretty much anything that comes your way. If you're looking for a
new love, now is the time to accelerate the search -- you're more
attractive than ever before! Be open to new people and possibilities.
Midweek, you're determined to live in the present. If anyone pushes
you to plan heavy, intense or long-term stuff, you should demur and
tell them you'll let them know when you're ready. Listen to your
intuition this weekend and you can't go wrong.
Try to seek advice early this week -- though it may come your way
uninvited! Listen carefully and think about how to apply the specifics
to your situation, because you're certainly dealing with some serious
wisdom here. Your good energy on Wednesday and Thursday is best spent
moving form place to place, so see if you can find a way to make sure
you're on the go. It's way too easy to misread people this weekend,
but as long as you remain skeptical of your first impressions, you'll
be fine. Look and listen before reacting.
Your thinking about romance is uniquely your own early this week. You
might have to take a while to get it across to the right person, but
it will totally be worth it to do so. Try to make sure the details of
your dates or activities are as clear as possible on Wednesday and
Thursday, because any confusion could easily lead to recriminations
and even big fights! Avoid them. Things clear up completely over the
weekend, though, and you may even find that you get extraordinarily
flattering new attention.
Watch your sass on Monday and Tuesday, because someone you really need
to be clear with might misinterpret it. If they think you're full of
yourself, you'll have to correct the issue quickly. Don't let it get
that far if you can. Your friends are key to your successful romantic
adventures midweek. It could be that they're setting you up, or maybe
they've just got good advice about where you should go. Your even
temper makes the weekend smooth and easy to navigate, though your date
or partner may be more volatile than usual.
Your emotions are running especially deep early this week, and it's
not a bad time to communicate them to the person who's most important
to you. Whether you're making a move or settling in or just testing
the waters, you find the timing right. You should see an easy answer
to some odd problem in a flash of insight on Wednesday or Thursday --
make sure you're ready to jump into action! Anything you organize over
the weekend, from a date to a romantic road trip, ought to go
perfectly. Take the time to enjoy it.
You're more attentive than usual on Monday and Tuesday, and that
should work to your advantage in a big way. Stay on the lookout, and
let people know what you see. If you do you'll be rewarded. The middle
of the week is all about your big brain, and it's a great time to
share ideas and intellectual passions with your sweetheart or date.
You never know what's going to spawn the next big connection! Little
stresses might add up over the weekend, but you can help the right
person -- and yourself -- find small ways to cope.
Be careful with big demands early this week -- they may backfire!
That's not to say that you should never ask for what you want,
obviously. Right now you just need to be more reactive than active.
Take things one step at a time on Wednesday and Thursday, and be sure
to look closely at what's going on. Your attention to detail can make
a big (and noticeable) difference, so get out the magnifying glass and
show off. If you set the object of your affection free this weekend,
they'll come back to you just when you need them most.
Things might seem hopeless to a lesser mortal, but you can see exactly
what you need to do to make the situation work for you early this
week. Take your time, because patience is your best friend. Spend time
talking on Wednesday and Thursday, but don't worry if the
conversations don't seem to go anywhere. You need to get to know each
other better, that's all. If you feel out of sorts this weekend, try a
little time alone. You may find that once your batteries are
recharged, you get along a lot better.
Monday and Tuesday are good for shopping dates or other somewhat
practical excuses for spending time together. If you're not seeing
someone at the moment, it's a good time to meet new folks. Maybe you
can do that while shopping! Speak up midweek, no matter what your
status is -- the right person is dying to hear how you really feel.
Your ability to capture your emotions in words is strong. You might
hear something that seems hurtful this weekend, but let it sit for a
while. Before long, you hear the rest of the story.
Monday and Tuesday are good for shopping dates or other somewhat
practical excuses for spending time together. If you're not seeing
someone at the moment, it's a good time to meet new folks. Maybe you
can do that while shopping! Speak up midweek, no matter what your
status is -- the right person is dying to hear how you really feel.
Your ability to capture your emotions in words is strong. You might
hear something that seems hurtful this weekend, but let it sit for a
while. Before long, you hear the rest of the story.
A family member -- most likely someone from an older generation -- has
good some advice for you on Monday or Tuesday. You really ought to
follow up on it. This could come in an unexpected fashion, so be ready
for anything. Your romantic energy is totally primed in the middle of
the week, and things should really sizzle whether you're on a date or
flirting online. If a message comes through in a way you don't like
this weekend, try to get all the information you can before letting
your reactions fly.
Make sure you speak your mind early this week -- any delay could make
a big difference! You ought to be able to find just the right words to
express your heart's feelings, and you should get a really good
response, no matter what you request. Though unexpected tasks and
activities pop up all through Wednesday and Thursday, you still should
find time to hang out with the right person. The weekend is the
perfect romantic time for you, so make sure you've got at least one
date or session of quiet time scheduled.
The first part of the week is perfect for dates and long, serious
talks, because you're so easygoing that the person you're with is
likely to be somewhat disarmed. Try to keep that energy going through
the week, but don't be too surprised if conflict flares up on
Wednesday or Thursday. Different ideas can be harder for most people
to take, yet they're floating around all over the place. As the
weekend begins, you need to initiate anything you want to see happen,
as you're the one with the energy to make things happen.
On Monday and Tuesday, you're feeling great and can't help but smile
at pretty much anything that comes your way. If you're looking for a
new love, now is the time to accelerate the search -- you're more
attractive than ever before! Be open to new people and possibilities.
Midweek, you're determined to live in the present. If anyone pushes
you to plan heavy, intense or long-term stuff, you should demur and
tell them you'll let them know when you're ready. Listen to your
intuition this weekend and you can't go wrong.
Try to seek advice early this week -- though it may come your way
uninvited! Listen carefully and think about how to apply the specifics
to your situation, because you're certainly dealing with some serious
wisdom here. Your good energy on Wednesday and Thursday is best spent
moving form place to place, so see if you can find a way to make sure
you're on the go. It's way too easy to misread people this weekend,
but as long as you remain skeptical of your first impressions, you'll
be fine. Look and listen before reacting.
Your thinking about romance is uniquely your own early this week. You
might have to take a while to get it across to the right person, but
it will totally be worth it to do so. Try to make sure the details of
your dates or activities are as clear as possible on Wednesday and
Thursday, because any confusion could easily lead to recriminations
and even big fights! Avoid them. Things clear up completely over the
weekend, though, and you may even find that you get extraordinarily
flattering new attention.
Watch your sass on Monday and Tuesday, because someone you really need
to be clear with might misinterpret it. If they think you're full of
yourself, you'll have to correct the issue quickly. Don't let it get
that far if you can. Your friends are key to your successful romantic
adventures midweek. It could be that they're setting you up, or maybe
they've just got good advice about where you should go. Your even
temper makes the weekend smooth and easy to navigate, though your date
or partner may be more volatile than usual.
Your emotions are running especially deep early this week, and it's
not a bad time to communicate them to the person who's most important
to you. Whether you're making a move or settling in or just testing
the waters, you find the timing right. You should see an easy answer
to some odd problem in a flash of insight on Wednesday or Thursday --
make sure you're ready to jump into action! Anything you organize over
the weekend, from a date to a romantic road trip, ought to go
perfectly. Take the time to enjoy it.
You're more attentive than usual on Monday and Tuesday, and that
should work to your advantage in a big way. Stay on the lookout, and
let people know what you see. If you do you'll be rewarded. The middle
of the week is all about your big brain, and it's a great time to
share ideas and intellectual passions with your sweetheart or date.
You never know what's going to spawn the next big connection! Little
stresses might add up over the weekend, but you can help the right
person -- and yourself -- find small ways to cope.
Be careful with big demands early this week -- they may backfire!
That's not to say that you should never ask for what you want,
obviously. Right now you just need to be more reactive than active.
Take things one step at a time on Wednesday and Thursday, and be sure
to look closely at what's going on. Your attention to detail can make
a big (and noticeable) difference, so get out the magnifying glass and
show off. If you set the object of your affection free this weekend,
they'll come back to you just when you need them most.
Things might seem hopeless to a lesser mortal, but you can see exactly
what you need to do to make the situation work for you early this
week. Take your time, because patience is your best friend. Spend time
talking on Wednesday and Thursday, but don't worry if the
conversations don't seem to go anywhere. You need to get to know each
other better, that's all. If you feel out of sorts this weekend, try a
little time alone. You may find that once your batteries are
recharged, you get along a lot better.
Monday, July 2, 2007
Scorpio and Sagittarius
For Monday, July 2 through Sunday, July 8, 2007
Fights are brewing all over the place early this week, so don't be too
surprised when conflicting ideas boil over into crazy arguments. Try
not to take things too seriously, though, because it won't be long
before you shift gears completely. By Wednesday morning, you ought to
be in exactly the right place to get along with that special someone,
and your romantic feelings are undeniable. The weekend is best spent
on maintenance -- either taking care of your health or checking up on
your relationship.
For Monday, July 2 through Sunday, July 8, 2007
Try to reach out early this week, as you ought to be able to connect
to that one person in a meaningful way. If you've been with the same
person for a while, try to reconnect and discuss ideas that may have
changed over time. Wednesday and Thursday are perfect for considering
different options, and you may come to some surprising and intriguing
conclusions. Don't rush yourself! Over the weekend, your positive
energy is perfect for getting things done and making your feelings
known in no uncertain terms.Publish Post
Virgo and Libra
For Monday, July 2 through Sunday, July 8, 2007
Someone wants to hear your side of things on Monday or Tuesday, and
you should be open and honest -- but not tactless! If you can put a
positive spin on it, you should find that everything goes very
smoothly. Watch out for the small details midweek, because they're
sure to monopolize your attention and keep you from focusing on what's
really important. Life is better than you imagine, and this weekend
brings that point home. Something will help you understand why you're
in your current state when it comes to romance.
For Monday, July 2 through Sunday, July 8, 2007
Even if your date or sweetie is down in the dumps, you're still having
a great time on Monday and Tuesday. Your good energy is strong enough
to lift almost anyone, so most likely things get better for both of
you in no time. Try to tap into your famous flexibility in the middle
of the week, as your plans almost certainly don't match up with
reality. The good news is that you can maneuver yourself into an even
sweeter position if you keep your eyes open! Spend some good quality
time alone with someone you want to know better this weekend -- things
are perfect when you're shut away.
Cancer and Leo
For Monday, July 2 through Sunday, July 8, 2007
Try not to worry too much about whether or not your sweetheart, date
or flirt is really dealing with stuff early this week, because you're
the one who needs to make sure the events of your life are happening
at the right pace. You're back in the swing of things by Wednesday,
and ought to really be in tune with your romantic side, maybe in a new
way. Explore the options, if possible. You're going to have to think
on your feet this weekend, but that comes naturally to you. There
won't be any serious arguments, though.
For Monday, July 2 through Sunday, July 8, 2007
Give folks all the time they need early this week, because they're
almost certainly pondering some seriously big issues and need to make
sure they have them just right. You're in a better space than you
realize. Wednesday and Thursday could be tough for you, as emotions
are likely to run a bit hotter than usual and flare-ups are almost
certain. The good news is that they'll blow away just as quickly as
they appear, and the weekend will usher in a much more intriguing
phase. You'll learn something new about your partner or your romantic
side that will bring a smile.
Taurus and Gemini
For Monday, July 2 through Sunday, July 8, 2007
You're irked on Monday and Tuesday when someone acts out a bit more
than usual, leaving you to make up your mind between acceptance and a
go-nowhere fight. You're just a bit out of sync, but things pick up by
midweek. At that point, you find that you're all about the future,
even if you just got together with someone. Talk things over and see
what comes of it; don't worry about risking the relationship. Slow
down a bit over the weekend. Sweetie may be trying to get you to rush
into something you're just not ready for.
For Monday, July2 through Sunday, July 8, 2007
You can more easily see things from others' points of view on Monday
and Tuesday, so it's the perfect time for serious chats -- if you
think one might be needed, of course. If not, your good energy can
make almost any activity enjoyable. Midweek is great for making gifts
or writing mash notes. Any creative energy you expend will come back
to you many times over, so go nuts and make someone feel great! If you
find yourself confused this weekend, just wait -- good advice comes
your way from a totally unexpected source.
Pisces and Aries
For Monday, July 2 through Sunday, July 8, 2007
You may discover early this week that your romantic urges are a bit
unrealistic, but you can also tell deep down that you're going to be a
lot happier when you find something that really clicks. Talk things
over with your partner or a friend and you'll see what you need to do.
Wednesday and Thursday are near-perfect days, and you almost certainly
move into a new and exciting phase of life. Something doesn't quite
add up this weekend, but you ought to be able to figure it out with a
little help from the right person.
For Monday, July 2 through Sunday, July 8, 2007
You -- and your partner, if you've been together for a while -- are
likely to find inspiration early this week, perhaps in the form of a
new vision for what you want out of your relationship. It's a better
time for thinking and planning than for taking action, though. Watch
out for strife on Wednesday and Thursday, because you're a little out
of sorts and might snap if you get confused. The weekend brings a
flood of positive energy that washes away any lingering discontent,
and you should find almost any activity thoroughly enjoyable.
Capricorn and Aquarius
For Monday, July 2 through Sunday, July 8 2007
Can money buy love? Of course not, though we all know that stress
over money-related issues can make love a whole lot harder to cope
with or acquire. Try to breathe deeply and move past the whole
situation. Your date or partner is most likely going through some
weirdness on Wednesday or Thursday, but your compassionate side is
out in full effect and you're incredibly helpful. The weekend is
all about family,and you find that their demands can make your love
life a little awkward -- but not for long!
For Monday, July 2 through Sunday, July 8 2007
You have all kinds of great energy on Monday and Tuesday, and you find
that you're 10 times more adorable than you thought you were last week.
Try to get even closer to that one special person. Split the tab on dates
midweek, even if you have firm rules about payment -- it shows that you
can be open-minded (one of your strengths, really). Something unexpected
occurs to you over the weekend -- something that might change your
attitude toward love in a profound way. Let it sink in before making any
big decisions.
Friday, June 29, 2007
For Monday, June 25 thru Sunday, July 1, 2007
Early this week, you are more interested in your own pursuits than in connecting with others. That's fine -- everyone needs down-time and if you ignore that need, you'll only need more time later on. Things pick up in a big way on Wednesday and it should be easy for you to pick up on even the subtlest signals that people are trying to send you. Use your positive energy to move in a direction that feels right. An unusual situation this weekend demands more attention than you might think.
Early this week, you are more interested in your own pursuits than in connecting with others. That's fine -- everyone needs down-time and if you ignore that need, you'll only need more time later on. Things pick up in a big way on Wednesday and it should be easy for you to pick up on even the subtlest signals that people are trying to send you. Use your positive energy to move in a direction that feels right. An unusual situation this weekend demands more attention than you might think.
For Monday, June 25 thru Sunday, July 1, 2007
Something small happens on Monday or Tuesday that boosts your confidence into the stratosphere. It's the perfect time to make a move or to ask for more from your current partner. Things get bigger and better for the rest of the week, as your boldness creates new space for growth and excitement. Share your vision with the right person and see what happens! Someone's random good mood affects you for the better this weekend and you should definitely try to capitalize on the opportunity.
Something small happens on Monday or Tuesday that boosts your confidence into the stratosphere. It's the perfect time to make a move or to ask for more from your current partner. Things get bigger and better for the rest of the week, as your boldness creates new space for growth and excitement. Share your vision with the right person and see what happens! Someone's random good mood affects you for the better this weekend and you should definitely try to capitalize on the opportunity.
For Monday, June 25 thru Sunday, July 1, 2007
Your willingness to give more than you get is the key to success early this week -- and you know deep down that the situation will balance itself out after a while. You find that you agree with the right person about the right issues on a level that never would have occurred to you before, drawing you in even closer. Keep up the talk -- things will keep getting better! A small-scale power game makes the weekend a bit weird, but you can find a way to break the rules without getting in trouble.
Your willingness to give more than you get is the key to success early this week -- and you know deep down that the situation will balance itself out after a while. You find that you agree with the right person about the right issues on a level that never would have occurred to you before, drawing you in even closer. Keep up the talk -- things will keep getting better! A small-scale power game makes the weekend a bit weird, but you can find a way to break the rules without getting in trouble.
For Monday, June 25 thru Sunday, July 1, 2007
Let your heart guide the way early this week and you can reach its desire that much more quickly. You may be quite surprised at where you find yourself when all is said and done! Your chores, work and other responsibilities call to you from Wednesday through Friday and while that might not be the most romantic way to spend your time, you know deep down that you are clearing the way for great things to come. In fact, this weekend should see you realize an ambition you have held for quite some time.
Let your heart guide the way early this week and you can reach its desire that much more quickly. You may be quite surprised at where you find yourself when all is said and done! Your chores, work and other responsibilities call to you from Wednesday through Friday and while that might not be the most romantic way to spend your time, you know deep down that you are clearing the way for great things to come. In fact, this weekend should see you realize an ambition you have held for quite some time.
For Monday, June 25 thru Sunday, July 1, 2007
Life gets a little more interesting for you early this week, but you are almost certainly dwelling on the past in one way or another. Take a good hard look at the things that anchor you to your old relationships. An exciting, fiery energy rouses you on Wednesday and pushes you to change something vital. It could affect your love life in a rather dramatic way! The best way you can improve your romantic situation this weekend is to help a sad-sack friend with their own issues.
Life gets a little more interesting for you early this week, but you are almost certainly dwelling on the past in one way or another. Take a good hard look at the things that anchor you to your old relationships. An exciting, fiery energy rouses you on Wednesday and pushes you to change something vital. It could affect your love life in a rather dramatic way! The best way you can improve your romantic situation this weekend is to help a sad-sack friend with their own issues.
For Monday, June 25 thru Sunday, July 1, 2007
Try not to get involved with anything that seems even remotely sketchy early this week. You are going to need to listen carefully to what your instincts tell you -- they may be trying to point you in a radical new direction. Your fellow workers or students are either hugely helpful or serious obstacles to your romantic goals midweek. You should try to get by without them in either case. Someone special could misinterpret your simplest statements this weekend, so find a way to let them know how you feel that can't be misunderstood.
Try not to get involved with anything that seems even remotely sketchy early this week. You are going to need to listen carefully to what your instincts tell you -- they may be trying to point you in a radical new direction. Your fellow workers or students are either hugely helpful or serious obstacles to your romantic goals midweek. You should try to get by without them in either case. Someone special could misinterpret your simplest statements this weekend, so find a way to let them know how you feel that can't be misunderstood.
For Monday, June 25 thru Sunday, July 1, 2007
It's important to take things slowly on Monday and Tuesday, as nearly everyone is going to want to think things through before moving forward with anything serious. By Wednesday, things shift enough that you can take action at the pace you prefer; in fact, you find that your efforts make the difference between peace and passion. Signals are confusing this weekend, so much so that you might be tempted to just give up. Resist that impulse and keep trying to figure things out.
It's important to take things slowly on Monday and Tuesday, as nearly everyone is going to want to think things through before moving forward with anything serious. By Wednesday, things shift enough that you can take action at the pace you prefer; in fact, you find that your efforts make the difference between peace and passion. Signals are confusing this weekend, so much so that you might be tempted to just give up. Resist that impulse and keep trying to figure things out.
For Monday, June 25 thru Sunday, July 1, 2007
Monday and Tuesday are great for letting the right person know that you're ready for a stronger attachment. If you're not so sure that you really are, spend a little time thinking and you might just change your mind! Flowers are perfect midweek -- for giving and receiving. Something about the message they send resonates with all parties in a much deeper way than usual. A coworker surprises you over the weekend with a revelation that ought to make your love life six times hotter.
Monday and Tuesday are great for letting the right person know that you're ready for a stronger attachment. If you're not so sure that you really are, spend a little time thinking and you might just change your mind! Flowers are perfect midweek -- for giving and receiving. Something about the message they send resonates with all parties in a much deeper way than usual. A coworker surprises you over the weekend with a revelation that ought to make your love life six times hotter.
For Monday, June 25 thru Sunday, July 1, 2007
You are feeling just a little bit out of sorts on Monday and Tuesday, but you might be able to parlay that into some big-time sympathy if you play your cards right. Mope at just the right time. You meet at least one new person this week who blows your mind, but you may not be sure they're the right one to sweep you off your feet. Get to know them better before deciding. Slow things down at least a notch or so this weekend -- you don't want to scare anyone off with your enthusiasm!
You are feeling just a little bit out of sorts on Monday and Tuesday, but you might be able to parlay that into some big-time sympathy if you play your cards right. Mope at just the right time. You meet at least one new person this week who blows your mind, but you may not be sure they're the right one to sweep you off your feet. Get to know them better before deciding. Slow things down at least a notch or so this weekend -- you don't want to scare anyone off with your enthusiasm!
For Monday, June 25 thru Sunday, July 1, 2007
Don't sign on for anything you're not sure of early this week. Your intuition is pretty strong, so you ought to be able to check in with your gut to figure out whether or not to say yes. Work or school issues are on your mind from Wednesday through Friday and that could mean that you've got to handle them at the expense of other aspects of your life. Once it's all over with, though, you have definitely got the time and energy to explore new options in your love life!
Don't sign on for anything you're not sure of early this week. Your intuition is pretty strong, so you ought to be able to check in with your gut to figure out whether or not to say yes. Work or school issues are on your mind from Wednesday through Friday and that could mean that you've got to handle them at the expense of other aspects of your life. Once it's all over with, though, you have definitely got the time and energy to explore new options in your love life!
For Monday, June 25 thru Sunday, July 1, 2007
You are more reserved than usual on Monday and Tuesday, holding back more than you really need to. That's fine, because an air of mystery is often a huge turn-on to the right people! As you open up through the week, you find that you have more in common with that special someone than you may have realized at first and it could mean a positive change in the way you relate to each other. The weekend brings confusion, as you can't figure out why things are happening the way they are. Chill and figure it out later.
You are more reserved than usual on Monday and Tuesday, holding back more than you really need to. That's fine, because an air of mystery is often a huge turn-on to the right people! As you open up through the week, you find that you have more in common with that special someone than you may have realized at first and it could mean a positive change in the way you relate to each other. The weekend brings confusion, as you can't figure out why things are happening the way they are. Chill and figure it out later.
For Monday, June 25 thru Sunday, July 1, 2007
A friend offers advice or even an introduction early this week and you should follow up on it as quickly as you can. The results will be impressive, even if they take a while to manifest. See if you can figure out beforehand what will be required of you this week -- it's going to be especially important that you persist in your course if you want to get anywhere worth going. The weekend is the perfect time to kick back and enjoy your romantic life for what it is.
A friend offers advice or even an introduction early this week and you should follow up on it as quickly as you can. The results will be impressive, even if they take a while to manifest. See if you can figure out beforehand what will be required of you this week -- it's going to be especially important that you persist in your course if you want to get anywhere worth going. The weekend is the perfect time to kick back and enjoy your romantic life for what it is.
Meaning of Love

Love is a constellation of emotions and experiences related to a sense of strong affection or profound oneness. The meaning of love varies relative to context. Love can also be construed as Platonic love, religious love, familial love, and, more casually, great affection for anything considered strongly pleasurable, desirable, or preferred, to include activities and foods. This diverse range of meanings in the singular word love is often contrasted with the plurality of Greek words for love, reflecting the concept's depth, versatility, and complexity.
Friday, June 22, 2007
assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera kepada rakan-rakan sekalian...
saya ucapkan terima kasih kepada rakan-rakan yang sudi mengunjungi blog ini... :)
saya berharap rakan-rakan sekalian sudi berkongsi cerita dengan saya samaada tentang pengalaman bercinta yang manis mahupun pahit...
tak kisah la cerita apa pun...
cerita tentang pengalaman putus cinta pun boleh rakan-rakan ceritakan di sini...supaya boleh dikongsi dengan rakan-rakan yang lain... agar boleh dijadikan panduan dalam melayari alam percintaan...
saya sendiri ada kisah pahit dalam bercinta dan putus cinta...
NAK tau????
kena la tunggu lain kali...hehe :)
jumpa lagi di catatan yang akan datang...
kepada rakan-rakan semua sudi-sudikanlah berkongsi cerita yer...
saya ucapkan terima kasih kepada rakan-rakan yang sudi mengunjungi blog ini... :)
saya berharap rakan-rakan sekalian sudi berkongsi cerita dengan saya samaada tentang pengalaman bercinta yang manis mahupun pahit...
tak kisah la cerita apa pun...
cerita tentang pengalaman putus cinta pun boleh rakan-rakan ceritakan di sini...supaya boleh dikongsi dengan rakan-rakan yang lain... agar boleh dijadikan panduan dalam melayari alam percintaan...
saya sendiri ada kisah pahit dalam bercinta dan putus cinta...
NAK tau????
kena la tunggu lain kali...hehe :)
jumpa lagi di catatan yang akan datang...
kepada rakan-rakan semua sudi-sudikanlah berkongsi cerita yer...
madah cinta.....
dalam percintaan, terdapat beberapa perkara yang perlu disedari. apabila kamu bercinta..... Ia bukan 'passport' untuk kamu difahami; tetapi untuk kamu memahami. ia bukan 'passport' untuk kamu mengambil itu dan ini; tetapi untuk kamu diambil. ia adalah untuk kamu mendengar; bukan supaya kamu didengari. ia adalah untuk kamu berkorban dan bertolak ansur; bukan untuk kamu meminta itu dan ini. ia bukan untuk kamu berkira-kira atau mengukur; tetapi untuk kamu mencintai....
catatan dari pemilik blog
assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera kepada semua rakan-rakan serta sesiapa sahaja yang sudi mengunjungi blog saya ini...
untuk permulaan saya ada membicarakan tentang 12 bulan firasat CINTA..
saya yakin semua orang tentu ingin mengetahui ciri-ciri dan sifat-sifat pasangan kita kan???
tetapi macam mana yer??? SEBAB selalunya dalam bercinta setiap pasangan tak akan menujukkan sifat sebenar mereka... : ( susah tu!!!! mereka malu untuk menunjukkan sifat sebenar mereka terutama sekali sikap yang tak baik... Malu kalau pasangan tau... saya pernah bercinta dan saya sendiri dapat lihat perkara ni berlaku kepada pasangan saya...
disebabkan itulah saya nak kongsikan tentang perkara ni iaitu 12 bulan firasat CINTA....
harapnya dapat membantu pasangan yang sedang hangat bercinta, mereka yang telah berkahwin serta sesiapa sahaja...
semoga rakan-rakan sekelian sudi membaca...
di sini cuma ada sehingga bulan JUN, saya akan menambahnya dilain kali...diharap rakan-rakan sudi mengunjungi blog saya lagi... :)
sekian dulu dari saya khailiza82 :)
untuk permulaan saya ada membicarakan tentang 12 bulan firasat CINTA..
saya yakin semua orang tentu ingin mengetahui ciri-ciri dan sifat-sifat pasangan kita kan???
tetapi macam mana yer??? SEBAB selalunya dalam bercinta setiap pasangan tak akan menujukkan sifat sebenar mereka... : ( susah tu!!!! mereka malu untuk menunjukkan sifat sebenar mereka terutama sekali sikap yang tak baik... Malu kalau pasangan tau... saya pernah bercinta dan saya sendiri dapat lihat perkara ni berlaku kepada pasangan saya...
disebabkan itulah saya nak kongsikan tentang perkara ni iaitu 12 bulan firasat CINTA....
harapnya dapat membantu pasangan yang sedang hangat bercinta, mereka yang telah berkahwin serta sesiapa sahaja...
semoga rakan-rakan sekelian sudi membaca...
di sini cuma ada sehingga bulan JUN, saya akan menambahnya dilain kali...diharap rakan-rakan sudi mengunjungi blog saya lagi... :)
sekian dulu dari saya khailiza82 :)
12 Bulan firasat CINTA bahagian 2
- individu yang amat sukar untuk jatuh cinta dan amat memilih pasangan
- selalu memendam perasaan terhadap individu yang dicintai
- sukar dan malu dalam meluahkan isi hati
- sentiasa ingin diberi perhatian
- amat cemburu dalam perhubungan
- kesetiaan teguh terhadap pasangannya
- emosi cepat terusik dan mudah terluka
- sentiasa menjaga hati pasangan dan pandai memujuk
- romantik dan terlalu romantik
- sukar melupakan pasangan walaupun dilukai
- sukar berlaku curang dan amat menyayangi pasangan
- kebanyakkan orang yang lahir dalam bulan ini boleh dianggap 'hamba cinta' seperti Laila, Juliet, Siti Zulaikha
- pasangan ideal : Lahir bulan 4, 7, 11, 12
- amat mudah jatuh cinta
- bak dan jujur dalam perhubungan
- pandai menarik hati pasangan
- perasaan cinta yang mendalam
- mudah untuk dipujuk
- kurang suka untuk sentiasa bersama
- mudah menerima cinta seseorang
- pilihan yang tepat dalam berpasangan
- nekad untk menjaga hubungan yang baik
- pandai mengatur hidup pasangan (bukan Queen Control atau King Control)
- suka mengangankan sesuatu yang indah bersama pasangan
- sentiasa dahagakan kasih sayang dari pasangan tapi tak pandai memperlihatkan
- ambil berat dalam menjaga hubungan
- pasangan ideal : Lahir bulan 6, 9, 10, 11
- amat pandai menjaga hati pasangan sekiranya dia perempuan
- sukar melukai dan memahami hati pasangan
- mudah jatuh cinta tapi terlalu memilih
- cerewet dalam hubungan
- selalu beremosi
- mudaha merajuk dan mudah dipujuk
- cepat rasa bosan dalam percintaan
- selalu melindungi pasangan dari kritikan atau umpatan orang
- dahagakan pujian dari pasangan
- pasangan ideal : Lahir bulan 1, 3, 5, 8
12 Bulan firasat CINTA
Setiap orang yang dilahirkan dalam bulan berbeza mempunyai sifat-sifat tersendiri ketika bercinta. Berikut adalah ramalan 12 bulan sikap setiap orang dalam bercinta. Namun jangan jadikannya sebagai satu kepercayaan, tetapi cukup sekadar hanya sebagai panduan dalam melayari dunia cinta.
- mudah jatuh cinta terhadap individu yang mempunyai daya tarikan
- mudah melupakan perasaan cinta terhadap orang yang dicintai sekiranya dikhianati
- sukar setia pada yang satu
- pandai mengambil hati pasangannya tapi mudah melukai pasangannya
- selalu berdiam diri ketika bertemu dengan pasangannya
- bersikap romantik tapi tidak pandai memperlihatkannya
- sikap cemburu yang tinggi terhadap pasangannya tapi tidak kisah sekirannya pasangannya cemburu terhadapnya
- pasangan ideal : Lahir bulan 3, 6, 8, 11
- sukar untuk jatuh cinta tapi mudah untuk mengkhianati pasangan
- amat hormat kepada pasangan
- amat suka memikat pasangan
- jujur dan berterus terang dalam perhubungan
- sentiasa nrkad untuk bersama dengan pasangannya
- sangat romantik pada dalaman dan bukan pada luaran (hanya pasangannya yang tahu)
- patuh kepada pasangannya dan selalu menjaga hati pasangan
- kurang beremosi terhadap pasangannya
- amat menjaga penampilan diri dan pasangannya
- pasangan ideal : Lahir bulan 5, 9, 10, 12
- mudah menawan hati pasangannya
- sentiasa ingin didampingi oleh pasangannya
- sangat pemalu dalam meluahkan isi hati
- sangat baik dalam menjaga hubungan
- amat sukar melupakan pasangan yang dicintai
- perasaan cemburu yang minimum
- sangat manja dan sering ingin dimanjakan pasangannya
- mudah memilih pasangan tanpa berfikir panjang
- sentiasa mengharapkan keistimewaan dari pasangan
- suka menuduh melulu tanpa usul periksa
- berprasangka terhadap pasangan
- pasangan ideal : Lahir bulan 1, 5, 10, 12
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