For Monday, June 25 thru Sunday, July 1, 2007
Early this week, you are more interested in your own pursuits than in connecting with others. That's fine -- everyone needs down-time and if you ignore that need, you'll only need more time later on. Things pick up in a big way on Wednesday and it should be easy for you to pick up on even the subtlest signals that people are trying to send you. Use your positive energy to move in a direction that feels right. An unusual situation this weekend demands more attention than you might think.
Friday, June 29, 2007
For Monday, June 25 thru Sunday, July 1, 2007
Something small happens on Monday or Tuesday that boosts your confidence into the stratosphere. It's the perfect time to make a move or to ask for more from your current partner. Things get bigger and better for the rest of the week, as your boldness creates new space for growth and excitement. Share your vision with the right person and see what happens! Someone's random good mood affects you for the better this weekend and you should definitely try to capitalize on the opportunity.
Something small happens on Monday or Tuesday that boosts your confidence into the stratosphere. It's the perfect time to make a move or to ask for more from your current partner. Things get bigger and better for the rest of the week, as your boldness creates new space for growth and excitement. Share your vision with the right person and see what happens! Someone's random good mood affects you for the better this weekend and you should definitely try to capitalize on the opportunity.
For Monday, June 25 thru Sunday, July 1, 2007
Your willingness to give more than you get is the key to success early this week -- and you know deep down that the situation will balance itself out after a while. You find that you agree with the right person about the right issues on a level that never would have occurred to you before, drawing you in even closer. Keep up the talk -- things will keep getting better! A small-scale power game makes the weekend a bit weird, but you can find a way to break the rules without getting in trouble.
Your willingness to give more than you get is the key to success early this week -- and you know deep down that the situation will balance itself out after a while. You find that you agree with the right person about the right issues on a level that never would have occurred to you before, drawing you in even closer. Keep up the talk -- things will keep getting better! A small-scale power game makes the weekend a bit weird, but you can find a way to break the rules without getting in trouble.
For Monday, June 25 thru Sunday, July 1, 2007
Let your heart guide the way early this week and you can reach its desire that much more quickly. You may be quite surprised at where you find yourself when all is said and done! Your chores, work and other responsibilities call to you from Wednesday through Friday and while that might not be the most romantic way to spend your time, you know deep down that you are clearing the way for great things to come. In fact, this weekend should see you realize an ambition you have held for quite some time.
Let your heart guide the way early this week and you can reach its desire that much more quickly. You may be quite surprised at where you find yourself when all is said and done! Your chores, work and other responsibilities call to you from Wednesday through Friday and while that might not be the most romantic way to spend your time, you know deep down that you are clearing the way for great things to come. In fact, this weekend should see you realize an ambition you have held for quite some time.
For Monday, June 25 thru Sunday, July 1, 2007
Life gets a little more interesting for you early this week, but you are almost certainly dwelling on the past in one way or another. Take a good hard look at the things that anchor you to your old relationships. An exciting, fiery energy rouses you on Wednesday and pushes you to change something vital. It could affect your love life in a rather dramatic way! The best way you can improve your romantic situation this weekend is to help a sad-sack friend with their own issues.
Life gets a little more interesting for you early this week, but you are almost certainly dwelling on the past in one way or another. Take a good hard look at the things that anchor you to your old relationships. An exciting, fiery energy rouses you on Wednesday and pushes you to change something vital. It could affect your love life in a rather dramatic way! The best way you can improve your romantic situation this weekend is to help a sad-sack friend with their own issues.
For Monday, June 25 thru Sunday, July 1, 2007
Try not to get involved with anything that seems even remotely sketchy early this week. You are going to need to listen carefully to what your instincts tell you -- they may be trying to point you in a radical new direction. Your fellow workers or students are either hugely helpful or serious obstacles to your romantic goals midweek. You should try to get by without them in either case. Someone special could misinterpret your simplest statements this weekend, so find a way to let them know how you feel that can't be misunderstood.
Try not to get involved with anything that seems even remotely sketchy early this week. You are going to need to listen carefully to what your instincts tell you -- they may be trying to point you in a radical new direction. Your fellow workers or students are either hugely helpful or serious obstacles to your romantic goals midweek. You should try to get by without them in either case. Someone special could misinterpret your simplest statements this weekend, so find a way to let them know how you feel that can't be misunderstood.
For Monday, June 25 thru Sunday, July 1, 2007
It's important to take things slowly on Monday and Tuesday, as nearly everyone is going to want to think things through before moving forward with anything serious. By Wednesday, things shift enough that you can take action at the pace you prefer; in fact, you find that your efforts make the difference between peace and passion. Signals are confusing this weekend, so much so that you might be tempted to just give up. Resist that impulse and keep trying to figure things out.
It's important to take things slowly on Monday and Tuesday, as nearly everyone is going to want to think things through before moving forward with anything serious. By Wednesday, things shift enough that you can take action at the pace you prefer; in fact, you find that your efforts make the difference between peace and passion. Signals are confusing this weekend, so much so that you might be tempted to just give up. Resist that impulse and keep trying to figure things out.
For Monday, June 25 thru Sunday, July 1, 2007
Monday and Tuesday are great for letting the right person know that you're ready for a stronger attachment. If you're not so sure that you really are, spend a little time thinking and you might just change your mind! Flowers are perfect midweek -- for giving and receiving. Something about the message they send resonates with all parties in a much deeper way than usual. A coworker surprises you over the weekend with a revelation that ought to make your love life six times hotter.
Monday and Tuesday are great for letting the right person know that you're ready for a stronger attachment. If you're not so sure that you really are, spend a little time thinking and you might just change your mind! Flowers are perfect midweek -- for giving and receiving. Something about the message they send resonates with all parties in a much deeper way than usual. A coworker surprises you over the weekend with a revelation that ought to make your love life six times hotter.
For Monday, June 25 thru Sunday, July 1, 2007
You are feeling just a little bit out of sorts on Monday and Tuesday, but you might be able to parlay that into some big-time sympathy if you play your cards right. Mope at just the right time. You meet at least one new person this week who blows your mind, but you may not be sure they're the right one to sweep you off your feet. Get to know them better before deciding. Slow things down at least a notch or so this weekend -- you don't want to scare anyone off with your enthusiasm!
You are feeling just a little bit out of sorts on Monday and Tuesday, but you might be able to parlay that into some big-time sympathy if you play your cards right. Mope at just the right time. You meet at least one new person this week who blows your mind, but you may not be sure they're the right one to sweep you off your feet. Get to know them better before deciding. Slow things down at least a notch or so this weekend -- you don't want to scare anyone off with your enthusiasm!
For Monday, June 25 thru Sunday, July 1, 2007
Don't sign on for anything you're not sure of early this week. Your intuition is pretty strong, so you ought to be able to check in with your gut to figure out whether or not to say yes. Work or school issues are on your mind from Wednesday through Friday and that could mean that you've got to handle them at the expense of other aspects of your life. Once it's all over with, though, you have definitely got the time and energy to explore new options in your love life!
Don't sign on for anything you're not sure of early this week. Your intuition is pretty strong, so you ought to be able to check in with your gut to figure out whether or not to say yes. Work or school issues are on your mind from Wednesday through Friday and that could mean that you've got to handle them at the expense of other aspects of your life. Once it's all over with, though, you have definitely got the time and energy to explore new options in your love life!
For Monday, June 25 thru Sunday, July 1, 2007
You are more reserved than usual on Monday and Tuesday, holding back more than you really need to. That's fine, because an air of mystery is often a huge turn-on to the right people! As you open up through the week, you find that you have more in common with that special someone than you may have realized at first and it could mean a positive change in the way you relate to each other. The weekend brings confusion, as you can't figure out why things are happening the way they are. Chill and figure it out later.
You are more reserved than usual on Monday and Tuesday, holding back more than you really need to. That's fine, because an air of mystery is often a huge turn-on to the right people! As you open up through the week, you find that you have more in common with that special someone than you may have realized at first and it could mean a positive change in the way you relate to each other. The weekend brings confusion, as you can't figure out why things are happening the way they are. Chill and figure it out later.
For Monday, June 25 thru Sunday, July 1, 2007
A friend offers advice or even an introduction early this week and you should follow up on it as quickly as you can. The results will be impressive, even if they take a while to manifest. See if you can figure out beforehand what will be required of you this week -- it's going to be especially important that you persist in your course if you want to get anywhere worth going. The weekend is the perfect time to kick back and enjoy your romantic life for what it is.
A friend offers advice or even an introduction early this week and you should follow up on it as quickly as you can. The results will be impressive, even if they take a while to manifest. See if you can figure out beforehand what will be required of you this week -- it's going to be especially important that you persist in your course if you want to get anywhere worth going. The weekend is the perfect time to kick back and enjoy your romantic life for what it is.
Meaning of Love

Love is a constellation of emotions and experiences related to a sense of strong affection or profound oneness. The meaning of love varies relative to context. Love can also be construed as Platonic love, religious love, familial love, and, more casually, great affection for anything considered strongly pleasurable, desirable, or preferred, to include activities and foods. This diverse range of meanings in the singular word love is often contrasted with the plurality of Greek words for love, reflecting the concept's depth, versatility, and complexity.
Friday, June 22, 2007
assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera kepada rakan-rakan sekalian...
saya ucapkan terima kasih kepada rakan-rakan yang sudi mengunjungi blog ini... :)
saya berharap rakan-rakan sekalian sudi berkongsi cerita dengan saya samaada tentang pengalaman bercinta yang manis mahupun pahit...
tak kisah la cerita apa pun...
cerita tentang pengalaman putus cinta pun boleh rakan-rakan ceritakan di sini...supaya boleh dikongsi dengan rakan-rakan yang lain... agar boleh dijadikan panduan dalam melayari alam percintaan...
saya sendiri ada kisah pahit dalam bercinta dan putus cinta...
NAK tau????
kena la tunggu lain kali...hehe :)
jumpa lagi di catatan yang akan datang...
kepada rakan-rakan semua sudi-sudikanlah berkongsi cerita yer...
saya ucapkan terima kasih kepada rakan-rakan yang sudi mengunjungi blog ini... :)
saya berharap rakan-rakan sekalian sudi berkongsi cerita dengan saya samaada tentang pengalaman bercinta yang manis mahupun pahit...
tak kisah la cerita apa pun...
cerita tentang pengalaman putus cinta pun boleh rakan-rakan ceritakan di sini...supaya boleh dikongsi dengan rakan-rakan yang lain... agar boleh dijadikan panduan dalam melayari alam percintaan...
saya sendiri ada kisah pahit dalam bercinta dan putus cinta...
NAK tau????
kena la tunggu lain kali...hehe :)
jumpa lagi di catatan yang akan datang...
kepada rakan-rakan semua sudi-sudikanlah berkongsi cerita yer...
madah cinta.....
dalam percintaan, terdapat beberapa perkara yang perlu disedari. apabila kamu bercinta..... Ia bukan 'passport' untuk kamu difahami; tetapi untuk kamu memahami. ia bukan 'passport' untuk kamu mengambil itu dan ini; tetapi untuk kamu diambil. ia adalah untuk kamu mendengar; bukan supaya kamu didengari. ia adalah untuk kamu berkorban dan bertolak ansur; bukan untuk kamu meminta itu dan ini. ia bukan untuk kamu berkira-kira atau mengukur; tetapi untuk kamu mencintai....
catatan dari pemilik blog
assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera kepada semua rakan-rakan serta sesiapa sahaja yang sudi mengunjungi blog saya ini...
untuk permulaan saya ada membicarakan tentang 12 bulan firasat CINTA..
saya yakin semua orang tentu ingin mengetahui ciri-ciri dan sifat-sifat pasangan kita kan???
tetapi macam mana yer??? SEBAB selalunya dalam bercinta setiap pasangan tak akan menujukkan sifat sebenar mereka... : ( susah tu!!!! mereka malu untuk menunjukkan sifat sebenar mereka terutama sekali sikap yang tak baik... Malu kalau pasangan tau... saya pernah bercinta dan saya sendiri dapat lihat perkara ni berlaku kepada pasangan saya...
disebabkan itulah saya nak kongsikan tentang perkara ni iaitu 12 bulan firasat CINTA....
harapnya dapat membantu pasangan yang sedang hangat bercinta, mereka yang telah berkahwin serta sesiapa sahaja...
semoga rakan-rakan sekelian sudi membaca...
di sini cuma ada sehingga bulan JUN, saya akan menambahnya dilain kali...diharap rakan-rakan sudi mengunjungi blog saya lagi... :)
sekian dulu dari saya khailiza82 :)
untuk permulaan saya ada membicarakan tentang 12 bulan firasat CINTA..
saya yakin semua orang tentu ingin mengetahui ciri-ciri dan sifat-sifat pasangan kita kan???
tetapi macam mana yer??? SEBAB selalunya dalam bercinta setiap pasangan tak akan menujukkan sifat sebenar mereka... : ( susah tu!!!! mereka malu untuk menunjukkan sifat sebenar mereka terutama sekali sikap yang tak baik... Malu kalau pasangan tau... saya pernah bercinta dan saya sendiri dapat lihat perkara ni berlaku kepada pasangan saya...
disebabkan itulah saya nak kongsikan tentang perkara ni iaitu 12 bulan firasat CINTA....
harapnya dapat membantu pasangan yang sedang hangat bercinta, mereka yang telah berkahwin serta sesiapa sahaja...
semoga rakan-rakan sekelian sudi membaca...
di sini cuma ada sehingga bulan JUN, saya akan menambahnya dilain kali...diharap rakan-rakan sudi mengunjungi blog saya lagi... :)
sekian dulu dari saya khailiza82 :)
12 Bulan firasat CINTA bahagian 2
- individu yang amat sukar untuk jatuh cinta dan amat memilih pasangan
- selalu memendam perasaan terhadap individu yang dicintai
- sukar dan malu dalam meluahkan isi hati
- sentiasa ingin diberi perhatian
- amat cemburu dalam perhubungan
- kesetiaan teguh terhadap pasangannya
- emosi cepat terusik dan mudah terluka
- sentiasa menjaga hati pasangan dan pandai memujuk
- romantik dan terlalu romantik
- sukar melupakan pasangan walaupun dilukai
- sukar berlaku curang dan amat menyayangi pasangan
- kebanyakkan orang yang lahir dalam bulan ini boleh dianggap 'hamba cinta' seperti Laila, Juliet, Siti Zulaikha
- pasangan ideal : Lahir bulan 4, 7, 11, 12
- amat mudah jatuh cinta
- bak dan jujur dalam perhubungan
- pandai menarik hati pasangan
- perasaan cinta yang mendalam
- mudah untuk dipujuk
- kurang suka untuk sentiasa bersama
- mudah menerima cinta seseorang
- pilihan yang tepat dalam berpasangan
- nekad untk menjaga hubungan yang baik
- pandai mengatur hidup pasangan (bukan Queen Control atau King Control)
- suka mengangankan sesuatu yang indah bersama pasangan
- sentiasa dahagakan kasih sayang dari pasangan tapi tak pandai memperlihatkan
- ambil berat dalam menjaga hubungan
- pasangan ideal : Lahir bulan 6, 9, 10, 11
- amat pandai menjaga hati pasangan sekiranya dia perempuan
- sukar melukai dan memahami hati pasangan
- mudah jatuh cinta tapi terlalu memilih
- cerewet dalam hubungan
- selalu beremosi
- mudaha merajuk dan mudah dipujuk
- cepat rasa bosan dalam percintaan
- selalu melindungi pasangan dari kritikan atau umpatan orang
- dahagakan pujian dari pasangan
- pasangan ideal : Lahir bulan 1, 3, 5, 8
12 Bulan firasat CINTA
Setiap orang yang dilahirkan dalam bulan berbeza mempunyai sifat-sifat tersendiri ketika bercinta. Berikut adalah ramalan 12 bulan sikap setiap orang dalam bercinta. Namun jangan jadikannya sebagai satu kepercayaan, tetapi cukup sekadar hanya sebagai panduan dalam melayari dunia cinta.
- mudah jatuh cinta terhadap individu yang mempunyai daya tarikan
- mudah melupakan perasaan cinta terhadap orang yang dicintai sekiranya dikhianati
- sukar setia pada yang satu
- pandai mengambil hati pasangannya tapi mudah melukai pasangannya
- selalu berdiam diri ketika bertemu dengan pasangannya
- bersikap romantik tapi tidak pandai memperlihatkannya
- sikap cemburu yang tinggi terhadap pasangannya tapi tidak kisah sekirannya pasangannya cemburu terhadapnya
- pasangan ideal : Lahir bulan 3, 6, 8, 11
- sukar untuk jatuh cinta tapi mudah untuk mengkhianati pasangan
- amat hormat kepada pasangan
- amat suka memikat pasangan
- jujur dan berterus terang dalam perhubungan
- sentiasa nrkad untuk bersama dengan pasangannya
- sangat romantik pada dalaman dan bukan pada luaran (hanya pasangannya yang tahu)
- patuh kepada pasangannya dan selalu menjaga hati pasangan
- kurang beremosi terhadap pasangannya
- amat menjaga penampilan diri dan pasangannya
- pasangan ideal : Lahir bulan 5, 9, 10, 12
- mudah menawan hati pasangannya
- sentiasa ingin didampingi oleh pasangannya
- sangat pemalu dalam meluahkan isi hati
- sangat baik dalam menjaga hubungan
- amat sukar melupakan pasangan yang dicintai
- perasaan cemburu yang minimum
- sangat manja dan sering ingin dimanjakan pasangannya
- mudah memilih pasangan tanpa berfikir panjang
- sentiasa mengharapkan keistimewaan dari pasangan
- suka menuduh melulu tanpa usul periksa
- berprasangka terhadap pasangan
- pasangan ideal : Lahir bulan 1, 5, 10, 12
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